Friday, December 31, 2010


It's the last day of a wonderful and eventful year!  I close Twenty-Ten giving thanks for the amazing man I married this year.  He is everything I ever wanted in a husband and a Father for my children.  I give thanks for our happy and healthy baby girl, Katherine Elizabeth.  She is the most amazing gift and I am in awe of her, my love for her, and how she has brought so much joy to our lives. 
This morning we were playing with the people in the mirror! Kate loves this baby and so do I. 

What a cutiepie!

Kate loves to snuggle on Daddy!

Daddy and his #1 girl!

Mommy and her #1 girl!

She loves these kisses on the cheeks!  She opens wide and smiles/laughs! 

Happy New Year!! 

Thursday, December 23, 2010


I feel like sitting down and writing about how much I love Kate!  There are so many parts of her that I love...well I am completely in love with all of her; every inch...every part, every smile, every laugh, every cry...I love her so much!
Her little feet and toes, the big toe kind of separates from the next toe and makes a V.  I just love cute!  Her little legs are so strong...when she's in the tub or laying down on her back she kicks and kicks her little legs.  She always wants to stand up.  She will stand in your lap and look at you with those big blue eyes, all the while cooing, talking, and laughing away!  It is so much fun!  Her little butt is the cutest, when I undress her every night for bath time (which she loves), I carry her into the bathroom naked and just look at her cute little booty in the makes me smile!  I can't get enough of her cute lil belly...I just love kissing and tickling makes her laugh :)  Her laugh is amazing!
Her little arms are so soft...I could rub her little arms and legs and the bottom of her feet all day long!  Her hands are so playful, she is always reaching out to touch the nearest object.  A toy, my face, my hand- I love it when she grabs on to one of my fingers! Her little hands and fingers are amazing! 
Her cheeks are so kissable.  When we kiss them, her mouth opens and she gives a big grin.  This is one of my favorite things to do.  She seems to love it and so do I. 
Her little button nose is precious...I must have stared at it for hours...the cutest nose I've ever seen!
Her gorgeous big blue eyes are quite an asset.  I prayed she would have big eyes, like her Anties and I do!  Her dark full head of hair surprised me...I wonder if it will lighten up?!  Well, for now there is a lot of dark hair and it is a really pretty color.  Wonder if it will stay?!
So, as you can see...I have the perfect baby!!  :)
In addition to the perfect exterior package, Kate has the most amazing little personality.   She gave us her first smile when she was three weeks old and since then her personality just keeps coming out.  She laughs and laughs and loves to have conversations with me and Daddy.  She loves to play in bed with Daddy in the morning.  They talk and laugh every morning while I get showered and ready for the day.  She also loves listening to music, playing with her toys (many many toys!), and going outside.  The ladies at daycare think she is advanced, Caroline and Amy both say she does everything before most babies and think she will keep up this trend.  She started laughing and talking earlier than most babies and she's already playing in the exersaucer!  She's our little go-getter! can see why I am so in love with this little bundle of joy!  I feel incredibly blessed and will do my best to always be the best Mother for her.  I hope I never let her down, I will always be here to support her, encourage her, believe in her, and love her unconditionally.  My new little family is everything to me!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Kate sleeps...

through the night!!  Well, she did last night and I am thrilled!!  She slept from 8pm-4:20am!  That's my baby girl!  She's just a tad over 3 months right now, so I'm not sure if this is something that will continue or if it was just a fluke.  Either way I appreciate the extra sleep.  December 2nd...a night to remember :) 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Great Trade-Off

I always knew that motherhood would change me. That was no surprise. In fact, when I was pregnant, people would often say “Oh your life is about to change FOREVER” with this ominous tone, like I had no idea what I had signed up for. And I would think “I sure hope so!” Can you imagine living your pre-baby life post-baby? I sure can’t. But for me, that was a good thing. I always knew I wanted children, and at the ripe (almost rotten) age of 32, I had done enough of the childless things to know that I wanted to do more of the child-full things. And so it began. Here are just a few of the many ways my life has changed. As a disclaimer, this is not a complaint list at all. I intend to print these blog posts out and include them in my scrapbook so I can forever remember my thoughts about this time. So with that… I have traded the following:

1)  Cute handbags for black bags under my eyes.  On the upside, black goes with everything!

                                                             Look at those bags!

2)  Cute stylish little tank tops for nursing tanks, tshirts, and yoga pants (no, I haven't worked out a bit since baby Kate was born).  I can't express how pathetic my wardrobe is at this point, but I am thankful for the comfort and stretchability of spandex! 

3)  Bottles of wine, for bottles and whine!

4)  Pumping weights (yep, my little 8 lb weights count) for pumping milk.  One day I might write a blog about the many similarities between me and a cow!  Really, I just might do it!

5)  Abs of steel for abs of flab. (For the record, the abs in my head match those on the cover of any ab video you see advertised. The mirror tells a very different story, but we all know mirrors lie. Rolling your eyes at me? OK fine. Go try on bathing suits in department store lighting in the dead of winter. See? Now you think mirrors lie too.)

6)  Rocking my skinny jeans for rocking my baby to sleep. In another 20 years skinny jeans will be cool again. I’ll just pick up the trend then… when I’m 53. Yikes! As a side note, I really do wish I had a picture of me in my pre-baby skinny jeans. Then again, it just might make me cry.

Me in the new uniform- a tank and stretchy, baggy pants!

7)  My own urge to party all night, for my daughter's urge to potty all night. In truth, I haven’t “partied” in a long, long time. Longer than I care to admit, actually. But should I feel the urge to again, I’m already conditioned for surviving without any sleep. So feel free to invite me to your next all-nighter. I can totally hang with the 8 week-olds.

Not exactly the middle of the night, but you get the picture. 
This was taken when Kate "graduated" from newborn dipes to 1's!!

8)  Singing along to my favorite songs on the radio for singing lullabyes.  You are My Sunshine, Kumbaya, All in the Golden Afternoon, & Baby Mine to name a few.  Plus, llistening to Baby Einstein Cd's!

9)  Hanging out on Facebook for hanging out on Babycenter.  I can't get enough of Babycenter and I am so thankful for all the Moms on the August 2010 board.  They have been so helpful- lots of information and laughs since I found out I was pregnant, and I actually made a few online Mommy friends!

I'm sure you noticed that many of these "changes" have to do with my appearance.  So I'll just put it out there, I'm vain.  There. I like to feel good about myself and that is evident in my appearance.  I don't wear fancy designer clothes, but I like to take care of myself and that is something I haven't had time for lately.  I know I'll never have time to take care of myself like I did pre-baby, but there are some things I can start doing right now.  Excercise and eating right!  Today starts operation motivation!  Dad, Holly, Kendra, Ken, and I have a pool going to see who can lose the most (percentage) by Christmas!  I think I'm going to win :)
In the mean time, stay tuned for my post about the cow!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Date :)

Chris and I went to dinner Friday night with Kate!  It was the first time we went out to dinner as a family.  We went to Mykonos, my favorite, and Kate was an angel.  She was awake the whole time, happy in her stroller looking around and smiling at everyone!  We are so amazed at how perfectly happy and awesome our baby is :):)  We're so lucky!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Kate's Birth Story

Those last couple weeks of pregnancy are a killer!!  By 38 weeks I was ready for Kate to make her entrance into this world!  We had finally gotten settled into our new place, the nursery was done, and I was really big and really HOT and really uncomfortable!  Kate had other plans though, she was comfy and cozy in my belly and not quite ready to make her entrance.  I look back at that time and though I was uncomfortable I loved being pregnant, I loved our time together- just the two of us.  At my 38 week OB appt, Dr. Snow gave us the option of inducing on 08/24 or 08/31.  We were surprised and excited, but decided to wait until our 39 week appt to make a decision about a possible induction on the 31st.  At 39 weeks, we decided to induce on August 31, 2010, if Kate didn't come on her own prior to that date.  Well, she didn't come before that date, so at 40 weeks and 1 day we induced!  Chris and I went to the hospital on that Tuesday morning at 5am (of course we were a little late!).  My Dad beat us to the hospital, if you can believe that, he was there with his camera ready to document the day.  It was great having him there with us all day, he took pictures and kept the rest of the family and friends updated as things progressed.  When we got to the hospital we checked in and went up to the second floor; labor and delivery.  We got into our room a little after 6am and I put my gown on and got into bed- It was a nice room and I was so ready to get this show on the road!!  Our first nurse was named Heather and I am so thankful that her shift was about to be over.  She tried to get my IV's going and poked me so many times I was in tears- not a great way to start the day- but soon Natalie Nesbit came in the room and took over.  My friend from FLEEC, Stacey Rauch had told me to ask for her to be my L&D nurse and I'm so happy I did, Natalie was my angel for the day!  She made the whole experience so much easier.  She got the IV going with ease and everything from that point on was great.  She got the pitocin dripping and told us about her upcoming wedding- all was great!  Dr. Snow came in around 8:30am to break my water, up until that point I hadn't had any discomfort or pain.  The contractions started immediately- wow, those things are painful.  I made it through 8 or 9 contractions and decided I better go ahead and get the epidural before it was too late!  Bernadette came in and administered the epidural, it was a little scary, but she was great and talked me through each step.  My left side went completely numb I couldn't move my right side followed shortly.  This was amazing...within minutes I was watching my contractions on the monitor, but couldn't feel a thing!  The epidural was a success and I am so thankful for it, I can't imagine going through labor/delivery without one.  The rest of the day was nice and almost relaxing...the rest of the morning and afternoon were filled with visitors.  Of course my Dad was there,  Jennifer came in and brought Chris and my Dad lunch, my Mom also came, Donna, Diane, Phil, Sean, Christy, Kenny, Uncle Jack, and Gigi all came to see me and root me on!  I progressed throughout the afternoon and by about 4:30pm Natalie checked me again and I was at 10cm- ready to start pushing!!  Unfortunatly, Dr. Snow was just about to head in for a C-Section, so we had to wait about an hour.  Natalie walked in at about 5:30 and exclaimed that we were ready to start pushing!!  Natalie, Chris, and I were in the room alone for the first hour and twenty minutes or so.  Chris was great, he held my left leg and Natalie held my right while I pushed and pushed!  It was really intimate for the first hour, with just the 3 of us in the room.  I could still feel the pressure from the contractions, so I knew when they were coming and when to get ready to push.  I was so excited to meet Kate, but still a little afraid of the unknown- not being sure what to expect from the whole birthing experience and simply praying that my precious baby girl would be completely healthy.  After about an hour and twenty minutes, Natalie said we were ready...she called Dr. Snow in and a bunch of other nurses came in from the neonatal unit, since there was maconium in the womb.  Wow, I would be holding my little Kate so soon.  At this point, I was really scared actually because I could feel so much pressure and just didn't know what to expect!  Dr. Snow said I was doing great, but I just couldn't push past a certain point, so he decided he needed to get the vaccuum, which he called the "kiwi"...before we knew it Kate was born at 6:59pm!  The Dr. cut the cord very quickly because it was wrapped loosely around her neck and he didn't want to take any chances by waiting for Chris to get over to her to cut it.  The nurses quickly whisked Kate to a nearby table to clear the amniotic fluid from Kates mouth and to check to make sure she was perfect- she was.  My parents had been waiting outside the room the whole time and they were able to come in right away to see baby Kate.  Thankfully my Dad got so many great pictures of the first minutes of Kate's life.  These pictures are so special to me.  Dr. Snow was finishing up with me and it seemed to me like forever before they brought her back to me.  I just kept looking over at where she was and waiting to hear that she was healthy, I just remember wanting to hold her at this time.  Chris and Donna and Phil and my parents were all over at the little table looking after her.  I will never forget the moment the nurse put Kate into my arms, I fell completely in love with her in an instant.  She was the most beautiful and healthy baby I had ever seen.  I stared at her and memorized every detail of her beautiful little face.  What a perfect baby! 
After a couple of hours with Kate in the L&D room, breastfeeding, bonding, and visiting with family (only 2 at a time), the staff wheeled us up to our room on the 6th floor (room 6208).  It was about 10pm at this time and everyone was tired, we said our goodbyes to the family and Chris, Kate and I settled in for our first night together.  Chris and I ordered dinner and fell asleep by the time it came, but we woke up and ate (I hadn't eaten all day so the grilled cheese and soup was delicious!).  I had Kate in the bed with me that night, she slept on my chest, I just couldn't put her down.