Thursday, May 31, 2012

Monday, May 21, 2012

Swimming Lessons- 19-20 Months

We decided to give Kate swimming lessons this Summer. She's such a good little swimmer and loves the water.  Here are some pics her swim coach, Ms. Shannon, emailed to me.

Monday, May 14, 2012


5/14/2012 @ 1pm

Gege just left.  She says the prognosis is not good..she didn't shed a tear...was so calm and peaceful.  She said she prays that it ends quickly and has heard it can be painful.  She wants us to praise her life and not mourn her death.  She could have 2 months or 6 months or 2 years.  She is so strong and courageous...she said she is 89 and lived a good life.  I have been in tears since she spoke the words, pancreatic cancer. 

I am so thankful to have had this year living at my Dads. I have been able to spend most every afternoon with Gege and Kate, just talking and laughing out on the back porch.  And every morning we have breakfast together...I am cherishing this time as I have gotten to know my Grandmother so much better.  She really is an angel among us...she has been her whole life.  I thank God for her.

Kate and Gege = Love!

Gege and Em

I got a Binky!

Kate's latest sentence!  She loves Em's binky.  Uh oh!!

"I got a binky"

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bathing Beauty!

Body Parts...I know 'em!!!


I have the best laugh :)

Haha...being silly!!

Yep, I know where my nose is

and my chin

here's my toungue

and my head

my arm is right here...

and I know my tummy too...

I have long pretty legs...

and cute little toes

here are my hands

and I know my shoulder too!!

I'm a pretty smart 19 month old!!