Friday, September 7, 2012

Kate & Emily Check Ups- 24 and 4 months :)

September 6, 2012 – Dr. Canizzarro


24 Months:  25 lbs- 50% in weight, 35 inches tall- 90% in height
She will be 5’8” if still at 90% when she’s 3 years old!

MMR done

What should we be doing to help developmentally?  Crayons, puzzles, books.

She doesn’t need milk/white drink.  Does not recommend cow milk.
Recommends almond, hemp, hazelnut if we do milk, but not necessary.

Recommends smoothies with yogurt, kefir, sprouted seeds, fruits, veggies to pack nutrients..just find a combo she likes.
Dehydrator @ <118 degrees for healthy nutrient dense snacks.

Dentist @ 2.5 yo.


4 months: 14.2 lbs- 75th% in weight, 24.5 inches long- 75th% in height, Head Circ 41.5 – 75th%

Prevnar (strep) done

Since only breastfed so far we are very lucky to get 5 hours straight- most do not. We’re on track here.

Put Emily on an incline…babies love to crawl.  She has found her feet.  She will be tripodding soon (sitting with hands holding her up).

Next visit at 6 months.

“If there were a magazine for healthy babies, Emily could be on the cover!”